Camp Bowen

A serene bayside scene on a clear summer day, featuring a dock with several people engaged in leisure activities. Some are sitting on the dock while others paddle small boats. A larger boat is moored at the dock, and the backdrop is a lush, green forested hillside. The overall atmosphere is peaceful and recreational.

For more than half a century, Camp Bowen has been a second home to its campers and a cornerstone of Canada’s Blind, DeafBlind, and Low Vision Community. For many Canadians who are blind, DeafBlind, or low vision, Camp Bowen is the one place where they can truly be themselves. Whether it is swimming independently for the first time or just meeting likeminded people, Camp Bowen is a sanctuary, where blindness and DeafBlindness are not barriers, life-long friendships are made, and campers are encouraged to reach their full potentials.

Summer Independence Camps

Camp Bowen provides fun and engaging retreats for blind, DeafBlind, and low vision Canadians of all ages to come together, share and learn. No matter how you like to spend your time, we have a program that’s got you covered.

Learn more about the Summer Independence Camps

Blindness/DeafBlindness Skills Training

Blindness/DeafBlindness skills training sets blind, DeafBlind, and low vision Canadians up for success on their independence journeys.

Learn more about Blindness/DeafBlindness Skills Training

About the Camp Bowen Division

At the Camp Bowen Division of the Canadian Organization of the Blind and DeafBlind we are passionate about building excellent summer camps where the independence of people who are blind, DeafBlind, and low vision can be fostered through friendship.

Learn more about the Camp Bowen Division

Building the Future

Help us build the future of Camp Bowen!

Learn more about the future of Camp Bowen

Get Involved

Together, we can ensure every blind, DeafBlind, and low vision Canadian and their families have the opportunity to connect, live with dignity and independence, build friendships and reach their full potentials.

Make a gift 💝, engage with us on social media 📱, or contact us to volunteer 🎊

Get in Touch

Have a question, suggestion or comment, please contact us today!